Local Scholarship How to Access Scholarship
Childer's Scholarship
Recipient needs to provide proof of registration in the fall (Picture) to get the first $500 and then proof of transcript from the first semester and proof of registration for the second semester during Christmas break to get the second $500.
Contact: Please mail these documents to Andrew Childers at 402 S. 2nd St. Elgin, NE 68636 or text to (402)843-8704 or email them to Curtis Childers at cchilders@bcpsne.info
AMH Jody Asmussen Scholarship
Checks will be made payable to the school and deposited to the student's account after one semester is successfully completed and the student is enrolled in the second semester.
Written verification of acceptance from the school the recipient will be attending.
Complete address of the school the recipient will be attending.
Contact: Diane Brugger, CEO Antelope Memorial Hospital, 102 West 9th Street/PO Box 299, Neligh, NE 68756
Elgin Community Foundation
Scholarship checks will be sent directly to the students’ college or university around January 30. Students will be required to provide first semester grades and proof of full-time status for both fall and spring semester before funds will be sent.
Contact: Anne Parks Bank of Elgin (402)843-2228 AParks@bankofelgin.com
Elgin KOED Group
Scholarship recipient(s) are asked to send verification of 2nd semester enrollment and student numbers to:
Amy Selting, EKG Treasurer, 83984 526 Ave., Elgin, NE 68636
or emails elginkoedgroup@gmail.com. Once verification has been received, a check will be mailed to the Financial Aid Office to the school of your choice. Please complete this by January 3, 2025 so that checks can be credited to your before tuition statements are due.
Jerry and Millie Mundorf Scholarship
Check issued directly to student. Contact: Anne Parks at Bank of Elgin
Goscha Scholarship
Complete middle section of Goscha Reporting Form (click link below) and get to Julie Dwyer at
Paula Jensen TeamMates Scholarship
Recipients will be required to provide proof of full-time college student status to Elgin TeamMates Co-Coordinator Sonia Rittscher or Treasurer Lynell Morgan within 18 months of graduation before funds will be sent to school. Be sure to include school’s financial aid office address.
Elgin TeamMates Scholarship
Proof of at leat one successful semester and enrollment for upcoming semester must be submitted to Elgin TeamMates Co-Coordinator Sonia Rittscher or Treasurer Lynell Morgan before funds will be sent to school. Be sure to include the school's financial aid office address.
Shari Schiltmeyer Scholarship
Check is issued directly to student. Contact is Anne Parks at Bank of Elgin.
Dallmont Erickson Family Scholarship
The scholarship check will be sent to the student, made out to their attended school by January 30. Students will be required to provide first semester grades to the given address before funds will be sent.
Korene Erickson Fehringer
5890 33rd Ave.
Columbus, NE 68601
or via email to: kericfeh16@gmail.com
Wayne & Dorothy Currie Scholarship
Recipient will receive check at Awards Night. Contact is Mrs. Rittscher.
Paula Jensen TeamMates Scholarship
Recipients will be required to provide proof of full-time college student status to Elgin TeamMates Co-Coordinator Sonia Rittscher or Treasurer Lynell Morgan within 18 months of graduation before funds will be sent to school. Be sure to include school’s financial aid office address.
Elgin TeamMates Scholarship
Proof of at least one successful semester and enrollment for upcoming semester must be submitted to Elgin TeamMates Co-Coordinator Sonia Rittscher or Treasurer Lynell Morgan before funds will be sent to school. Be sure to include the school's financial aid office address.
Shari Schiltmeyer Scholarship
Check is issued directly to student. Contact is Anne Parks at Bank of Elgin.
Dallmont Erickson Family Scholarship
The scholarship check will be sent to the student, made out to their attended school by January 30. Students will be required to provide first semester grades to the given address before funds will be sent.
Korene Erickson Fehringer
5890 33rd Ave.
Columbus, NE 68601
or via email to: kericfeh16@gmail.com
Wayne & Dorothy Currie Scholarship
Recipient will receive check at Awards Night. Contact is Mrs. Rittscher.
Nancy Lehr Scholarship
Contact: Verona Henn Verona.Henn@cvacoop.com
Elgin Bargain Box Scholarship
In the fall, recipient will need to provide Bargain Box with proof of enrollment in recipient's school of choice. A check for $1000 will then be sent to the registrar’s office of that school in recipient's name. Send the proof of enrollment to Elgin Bargain Box, Box 78, Elgin NE 68636.
Contact: Barb Finn (402)843-6369
Elgin Alumni Scholarship
Alumni President always attaches a letter to each of the scholarship winner's certificate (frame) letting the student know that he/she needs to get me the address of their school's Financial Aid Office and their student ID number before August 1st. President's phone number is in the letter, so recipients can text him/her. President will then mail the money (full amount) to their respective schools around August 1st. President also sends a letter to the college with the check verifying that the student can use the money for books, tuition, fees, room and board, meal plans, or supplies that they will need for their programs.
Contact: Laurie Waterbury elginalumni@elgineagles.org