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Elgin Public Schools


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Elgin Public Schools Board of Education

"Creating an environment where all students will learn."

The Board, administration and staff have made a commitment to help each student reach his or her maximum potential. The role of the Board is to set policy to enable administration and staff members to accomplish this goal.

Regular Board meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month in the ITV room at the high school building unless re-scheduled.  Meeting time is 6:30 p.m. during Nov., Dec., Jan., Feb., and March.  Meeting time is 7:30 p.m. during other months.  Official Board agendas are available in the Superintendent's office.  Effort is also made to post the agenda on the school website.

General Mission: "Creating an environment where all students will learn."

Mission Statement:  "The Elgin Public Schools exists to serve and nurture the experiences of the students in a manner which will allow them to function competently in all facets of society.  The School's responsibility is to ensure that students gain the skills and knowledge to function as creative, discerning, and productive members of a global society.

PRESIDENT- Lisa Welding  402-843-6772 

VICE PRESIDENT-  Todd Heithoff        402-750-1341

SECRETARY- Ron Bode     402-843-8437

TREASURER-  Luke Hinkle   402-843-6697

MEMBERS- Eric Beckman    402-843-8280               

                     Steve Busteed 402-843-5377


QUALIFICATIONS Persons wanting to run for a position on the board must be a resident of the school district, an eligible elector of the district and free from a financial conflict of interest with the position.  Individuals who are willing to serve on the board should believe public education is important, support the democratic process, willingly devote time and energy to board work, respect educators and have the ability to examine the facts and make a decision.

ELECTION/APPOINTMENT The annual school election takes place on the first Tuesday in November.  Terms shall be staggered so that three board members are elected at each general election.  Members of the board will be elected at large.  Incumbents must file for election at the Office of the County Clerk in Antelope County, by February 15 prior to the date of the primary election.  All other candidates must file for election by March 1 prior to the date of the primary election.

TERM OF OFFICE Board members nominated by primary election and elected by general election will serve for four years.  Terms shall be staggered so that three board members are elected at each general election.  Eligible board members are encouraged to consider running for more than one term.  Board members appointed to fill a vacant position will serve until the January following the next general election.


2025 School Board Committees

Negotiations: * Steve, Lisa, Eric

Facilities/Transportation/Lunch Program: *Ron, Eric, Lisa

Activities/Wolfpack Coop: *Todd, Luke, Steve

Finance: *Luke, Todd, Steve                                                     

Technology/Curriculum: *Eric, Ron, Todd

Policies/Civics/Wellness/Safety: *Lisa, Luke, Ron

*Committee Chair


"Serving on the school board is an honor and privilege.  Its rewards are respect from the community, students and employees and the satisfaction from knowing each board member contributed to the success of the children in the school district community."                          -John Molzahn, Logan View Public Schools