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August 2024 Board Meeting Agenda


To:  Members of the Board of Education, District #18 Antelope County

From:  Mike Brockhaus, Superintendent

Re:  Tentative Agenda for the August 2024 Meeting

Mtg. Date:  Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at 7:30pm in the new EPS Board Room (Old ITV Room)


Agenda Items

  1.  Open Meeting
  2.  Roll Call of Members
  3.  Pledge of Allegiance
  4.  Announce Posting of Open Meetings Law


Consent Agenda  

  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
  2. Adopt the Agenda
  3. Financial Report
  4. Board Bills


Recognize Visitors



  1. Reports of Standing Committees
  2. Report of Principal/AD--Extra duties review
  3. Superintendent Report
  1. Budget information
  2. Projects and summer work


Action Items

       12.  Approve the guest September guest speaker cost (Mental Health Grant funds will be used)

       13.  Approve 2024-25 Board Goals

       14.  Approve Classroom Capacities for 2025-2026 school year; Policy 505.02 R1

       15.  Approve increase in milk prices for seconds

       16.  Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to adopt a resolution increasing the school district’s base 

              growth percentage used to determine the school district’s property tax request authority by up to 7

              percent (7%).

       17. Approve the transfer of funds from the General Fund to the Nutrition, Depreciation, and Activities Funds.

       18. Approve the second reading of Policies 201.02 Board Membership-Elections and Appointments; 204.07 Meeting Notice;

             204.12 Public Comment in Board Meetings; 206.02 Board Association Membership; 402.03 Employee Conflict of Interest;

             409.01 Certificated Employee Professional Development; 502.02 Nonresident Students/Option Enrollment; 502.03

             Entrance Admissions; 503.04 Addressing Barriers to Attendance; 504.03 Student Conduct; 504.06 Student Appearance;

             504.11 Weapons; 509.03 Student and Staff Memorials; 607.10 Classroom Environment; 611.02 Student Promotion,

             Retention, or Acceleration; 611.07 Graduation Requirements; 802.05 Free or Reduced Cost Meals Eligibility and Meal 

             Charges; 905.04 Emergency Response Mapping (optional); 1003.00 Public Examination of School District Records;

             Deletion of policy 606.09 Textbook Loans to Children Enrolled in Private SChools (LB 705 requires the NDE to take this

             over); and Medical Information Form.  

      19. Waive the first reading of updated policies 404.12 and 504.12 Title IX.

      20. Approve the second reading of updated policies 404.12 and 504.12 Title IX.

      21. Approve the bid to replace the Elementary Chair Lift.


Discussion Items   

       21..  Set the next regular meeting and the budget hearing and special hearing to set the final tax request.

       22 .  Adjourn


A current copy of the meeting agenda is available in the superintendent’s office.  The agenda shall not be altered within 24 hours of the meeting unless the item is of an emergency nature.

For a board to have a “closed” session, a majority of the voting members must vote for the session and it must be clearly necessary for either:

  1.  Protection of the public interest; or
  2. The prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual, and if the individual has not requested a public meeting.